If task management is a personal efficiency issue that should concern all managers, team task management is a crucial subject for all companies at a time when the ” project mode ” prevails in terms of work organization.
The benefits and advantages of setting up a real management of tasks and action plans in teams contribute to a better management of projects and to the achievement of the company’s strategy.

Best collaboration

By definition, team-based task management allows for better collaboration between team members. They can work together simultaneously on common tasks, keep each other informed of progress and share ideas to improve results. This can help avoid mistakes and delays, as each team member is aware of what the others are doing.

Equitable distribution of tasks

Managing tasks in teams also allows for a better and more equitable distribution of tasks. Each member of the team can work together to identify the tasks that need to be accomplished and distribute them in a way that is adapted to the skills and workload of each person. This can help avoid overloading some team members and frustrations, and ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner and by someone with the required skills.

Real-time progress tracking

Team-based task management allows for better monitoring of progress in real time. Team members can see the status of tasks and know who is responsible for what. This can help ensure that all tasks are completed in a timely manner and that any issues are reported promptly.

Improved communication

Communication is enhanced when working on tasks in a team. Everyone can discuss what needs to be done, what blocks and obstacles need to be overcome. Good communication management with dedicated sharing moments helps to avoid misunderstandings, find solutions together and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Increased productivity

Working in teams on tasks has a positive impact on productivity. Everyone can focus on their own tasks and their contribution to the other team members, without worrying about what comes before or after. the. Skills are used to the fullest and the load is smoothed out. This ensures better results, on time, while reducing risks.

In summary, team task management is a true foundation of collaborative work. It is based on trust in the manager and other team members.

It will also make it easier to achieve objectives because it allows collective intelligence to come into play.

However, if the volume of personal tasks to be followed is already sometimes difficult to track, it is illusory to think that you can track the tasks of an entire team without the help of a collaborative task management solution. A good action plan management tool will increase the results tenfold and reduce latency and the number of emails.