With its integrator partners, Perfony can help you implement the solution, giving you the benefit of our consultancy expertise and the experience of hundreds of deployments. We’ll help you secure the use of Perfony by guaranteeing co-construction of the data, parameterisation and integration, familiarisation of your users and monitoring to measure the results.

“Set your targets, we’ll take care of the rest”.


Perfony offers you high-quality, tailor-made support with a host of free benefits:


  • Group training module and individual session to ensure a uniform level of knowledge.
  • A dedicated training platform, accessible 7/7, so you can learn how to use Perfony’s features at your own pace.


  • We’ll save you time thanks to our in-depth knowledge of the solution and a hands-on approach tailored to your needs.
  • By integrating Perfony into your practices with our support, you benefit from hundreds of experiences and best practices from other organisations similar to yours.


    • Using Perfony also means you can benefit from experts who are on hand to answer your questions about organising your projects and meetings.
    • We regularly publish free use cases and white papers on subjects related to organisational efficiency.

    “Perfony’s implementation support is beyond reproach. Nothing is left to chance and everything is controlled. It’s a real comfort and a guarantee of success”

    Alexandre DERENDINGER – Deputy General Manager 3CM


    Our method and expertise cover all aspects of support. We leave nothing to chance and support you every step of the way.


    “Deploying Perfony takes between 2 and 5 weeks”.


    Quickly give yourself every chance of success

    • Train key users to become ambassadors
    • Integrating data and connecting the environment, taking account of the organisation’s culture


    Getting all users up and running successfully

    • Supporting users
    • Monitor connections and feedback
    • Adjusting architecture and training


    Securing your return on investment

    • Measuring usage rates
    • Optimising and maintaining
    • Integrating new scope of work


    We conduct our projects using a robust, tailor-made sequence of stages to get things off to a good start quickly and secure the results.

    Together, we will lead a steering committee to ensure and monitor the success of the roll-out throughout. The weekly meeting brings together project managers and decision-makers. it monitors the schedule, measures the results, notes any discrepancies, and suggests and makes any necessary adjustments.

    “Tailor-made and efficient”

    STEP 1
    STEP 1

    Preparation, framing

    A quick meeting lasting an hour and a half will formalise the project plan and timetable: start date, end date, risks and key milestones – we’ll make sure the plan goes off without a hitch.


      • Preparing your account
      • Identification of key users
      • Detailed planning
    STEP 2
    STEP 2

    Getting started

    So that the key players can get to grips with Perfony and start to get an idea of the possible data and process architecture, we review the tool’s various features and take into account the cultural specificities of your organisation.


      • Training the project team
      • Data structuring ideas
    STEP 3
    STEP 3

    Configuration, integration

    We’ll make your job easier by showing you how to integrate your data and set up your account: O365* connection, meetings, dashboards, personality fields, etc. The aim is to have your Perfony account ready to be used by your users.


      • Integrating data
      • Connect your account
      • Defining the rules of use

    * If you are on O365 of course

    STEP 4
    STEP 4

    Getting users on board

    Small-group training for all users in the essential features of Perfony, based on the account settings. This is the moment when users are brought on board and change takes place.


      • Training with your Perfony account set up
      • Based on the use cases identified
    STEP 5
    STEP 5

    Results and adoption

    During the first few months after implementation, we will be adapting the steering committee’s frequencies, and using them to ensure that the benefits are in line with the initial expectations.


      • Measuring the connection rate
      • Analysis of results


    Our approach is clear and unsurprising. Before the scoping phase, we will have proposed an approach tailored to your needs and scope. Perfony is implemented through the following workshops. You can also reinforce and extend the use of Perfony in your organisation at any time by ordering the workshops you need. You’ll find workshop prices on the prices page.

    “Clear and transparent pricing”.

    Preparation for deployment


    Essential for the first stage. To find out how things currently work, decide on the steering arrangements, identify the key players, formalise the planning and communication elements for the launch.

    Administrator and project leader training


    In groups of 5 people maximum. So that the key players can get to grips with Perfony and start to get an idea of the possible data and process architecture.

    Configuration and management workshops


    In groups of 5 people maximum. With the key players. Data integration in Perfony. Set up the entire account: O365* meetings, dashboards, custom fields. Formalisation of use cases. (* if applicable)

    Basic usage training


    In groups of 15 people maximum. Training in the essential features of Perfony: Home menu, actions, folders and meetings.

    Training in advanced functions


    In groups of 15 people maximum. Training in Perfony’s advanced features: dashboards, group and user management.

    A simple and user-friendly solution to manage your action plans and pilot your meetings?