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My teams” module of the home page

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This module is only accessible to users with a “Pilot” license. It allows you to display the list of users who participate in your files.

They are classified by the number of shares in progress.

For each user, you will find the following information:

  • The user’s avatar
  • Its name
  • A ring graph with its actions according to their delay
  • A graph showing the general progress of the actions entrusted to him
  • An “email” icon

Clicking on a user’s name will display the list of actions of this user in the folders you are managing or co-leading.

The envelope will allow you to send him a message.

At the bottom of the module area, an alert informs you about the number of users in your scope who have at least one overdue action.

The context menu allows you to remove the module from the dashboard.

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