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Locking actions

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What is locking an action?

This simply means that the “pilot” of the folder can freeze the name of the action. This is particularly useful when duplicating an action across a large number of folders, to ensure that the action remains under the same name. This will make it easier to construct an OKR-type dashboard (see OKR dashboard).

What are the lock levels?

There are 3 levels of lock. access to the functionality is available by default, via the insert that groups together the markings for monitoring, the priority level, etc. .

level 1 (default) allows participants in the folder to change the name of the action. A participant in the folder can modify it.

Level 2 locks the name of the action. Only a « Pilot » of the folder or a participant with an “Executive” licence can make changes. But sub-actions can be modified.

level 3 prevents the action name AND sub-actions from being modified. As with level 2, only a Pilot in the folder or a participant with an “Executive” licence can make a modification.

How do I change the lock level?

Clicking on the icon will take you from level 1 to level 2, then to level 3 before returning to level 1.

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