The steps to writing good meeting minutes must meet several requirements depending on the purpose of your corporate meeting. To facilitate the formatting of your own meeting summary, we will see in this article some advice and an example with a CODIR in order to have a report that includes the decisions taken.
A meeting report: what is it for?
Before you know how to take minutes of a meetingYou should be aware of the objectives of this document. A meeting report is a tool used during working meetings. It is a synthesis of all the exchanges and decisions taken during this type of gathering. As such, it allows each of the members of the meeting to keep track of the meeting, the advice and comments of each. It also provides a good basis for developing a coherent and effective action plan with milestones, as well as a tool for communicating strategic decisions to other members of the organization or to employees.

A tool to make good
meeting minutes ?
What content should you put forward to get a good meeting report?
The formatting of a meeting report must meet several essential criteria. Thus, an outside reader should be able to find several pieces of information in this document such as:
- the list of participants in the meeting and their function ;
- the absent members and the reason for their absence;
- the name of the recorder ;
- the date of the meeting and its purpose ;
- a record of the steps taken during the meeting, decisions made and comments made by participants;
- the recipient or reader of the document.
With all these elements, you have a good basis for creating an effective minutes template for all your types of meetings.
The example of the CODIR
The formatting of a meeting report will be different depending on the context of the encounter. The header of the document and the information to be kept in mind are not the same for the minutes of a committee meeting, a business meeting or a project meeting. This is something to keep in mind if you are to take on the title of writer to develop a document of this type and make it easier for the reader to understand.
The CODIR (Management Committee) is a decision-making body that brings together, at regular intervals, the members of the organization, commonly referred to as theC-Level“(CEO, CTO, CSO…) to make strategic decisions for the company, in line with its mission and values
At the end of a CODIR, each participant must know precisely what results are expected, by when, and who is responsible for them. Meeting minutes are the best way to ensure that commitments are met. This report must faithfully transcribe the information that enabled the choices to be made, but above all it must make it easy to identify the decisions taken. Creating a report template makes life easier and provides a framework that can be prepared in advance.
Perfony: a powerful tool for your meetings
To plan your tasks, manage your projects and files and organize your meetings, Perfony is a perfect tool. It allows you to quickly create the context and the agenda of your meeting, to convene the participants, to capture the essential information live and then to distribute it to the people concerned.