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Connecting to Perfony with Google SSO (Single Sign On)

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For organisations using Google’s enterprise environment (G Suite), it is possible to set up a Perfony connection system using Google IDs to simplify user identification (a unique password to remember).

You know that you can use Google SSO on your Perfony account thanks to the specific icon displayed below the login window.

If you see this icon, you can sign in with your Google credentials. If you don’t see it, then contact your Google administrator and ask them to contact our technical support team to enable it.

How do I set up Google SSO on Perfony?

To set up Google SSO on Perfony, you need to be a Google user, and the administrator of your organisation’s Google account will need to follow this procedure.

How do I connect to Perfony using Google SSO?

If you see the Google icon below the login window, you can click on it, and then login in the dedicated window, with your Google email and password.

And now you’re on Perfony!


Please note: just because there is a button does not mean that a user can always use SSO!
For example, if your email address that has been added to the Perfony system is not that of your Google domain, then you will still have to identify yourself in the traditional way.

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